Project Portfolio
The Vistas Group recently completed the construction of a two story plus basement concrete framed building for the future US Consulate in Porto Alegre. The Consulate is approximately 4,200 sm. Construction included fit-out of approximately 4,700 sm on two floors (and intermediate mezzanine) of the building for a new consulate, plus 2,600 sm of basement parking, mechanical space, and storage; strengthening the exterior walls and site work including perimeter security, and driveways; and vehicle and pedestrian access control facilities. The new Consulate was inaugurated on July 27, 2017.
Consulado dos EUA é aberto oficialmente em Porto Alegre
Consulado Americano em Porto Alegre é oficialmente inaugurado
Consulado norte-americano abre hoje em Porto Alegre
Consulado americano é inaugurado em Porto Alegre
Consulado dos EUA em Porto Alegre inaugura em março de 2017
Consulado em zona norte de Porto Alegre. É na Avenida Assis Brasil
The Consular Expansion project entailed building construction services. The project included the reconfiguration and expansion of the public waiting area, functional office areas, and swing space renovation. Exterior work included fencing, seating and new sidewalks.
Design and Build of the American Recreation center. The project required site renovation which includes main building, perimeter wall, main access control, and access street closure. The main building was renovated to create a recreation center and commissary. Site work was also required to improve security features and access control.
Vistas completed the seismic upgrade for DMCR compound consisting of design and construction services. The contract including demolition of existing features and design and built to resist seismic and hurricane wind forces.
The Belmopan Housing project consisted of design and build of a self sustaining housing 15 acre compound containing an Ambassador’s residence (CMR) and staff housing. The self-sustaining compound also includes a perimeter security wall and various support structures and recreational amenities. Vistas was responsible for design and construction in addition to construction financing for the project. The project period was performed in less than 14 months including design. Vistas is also managing the operations and maintenance for the compound.
The contract involved the construction of approximately 1 mile of earthen levee paralleling a landfill that lies south of Highway 90 as part of the Lake Cataouatche system in Jefferson Parish. It also includes the construction of levee structures to the authorized elevation and the relocation of a drainage canal.
This contract required the construction of an 8,200 linear feet of earthen levee and concrete floodwall as well as earth work, three pump stations, ten outlet closures, one back flow structure, a raised driveway, a turn-around area, a swing gate. This includes, 1) three reinforced, cast in place concrete pump stations, 2) ten reinforced cast in place concrete outlet closures. Additionally, one back flow structure, a raised driveway, a turn-around area, a swing gate,earth work, and Landscaping and site restoration work.